Join us on the weekend of March 28 - March 31 for Musical Experience.
There will be a grand opening ceremony on Thursday 28 March at the Road Town Seventh-day Adventist Church. The ceremony will begin at 7pm.
Sabbath service will be held at the Sir Briercliffe Hall in Road Town beginning at 9am.
Come out on Sunday 31 March and witness 75 voices, 5 islands, 1 choir present the Elijah story in song and drama.
Family Week 2011 begins on Sunday 6 February until Sabbath 12 February 2011. Come out nightly to hear the various topics.
It is that time again. Time for VBS. Vacation Bible School will be held at the church in Fat Hog's Bay from August 24 - 28.
August 29, 2009
@ Brandywine Bay Beach
CRUSADE, CRUSADE. The Pathfinders will be in crusade from September 6 - 19, 2009. Bring your friends and family to hear the word of God proclaimed by the young people.
Holy Spirit Emphasis week will be celebrated from January 10 - January 17, 2009. Make a special effort to come to the nightly services. Services will be held on Sabbath January 10, Sunday January 11, Tuesday January 13, Wednesday January 14 and Friday January 16 at 7:15pm and Sabbath January17 at 9:00am.